April 3, 2012

First day of preschool

Today was Buddy's first day of preschool (as if you couldn't tell by the title of the post).
In addition to giving them the goals we set for his IEP, I'd written a short note (Husband wouldn't let me write a long one, "You've said enough--you don't need to overwhelm them with information.") to the teachers about Buddy and the aspects of Williams syndrome that he deals with. I wanted them to be prepared for some of the behaviors unique to him (e.g., hands over his ears) but also wanted them to know that he can learn along with the other children and that we expect him to do his best.

From all accounts, it went well. His teacher called this evening to give me an update--he actually ate his snack, he covered his ears a few times (she said, "We just said, 'Thank you for reminding us that we're getting too loud.'"), he participated in all the activities, he especially liked the instruments they used during circle time, and in general, he seems like a happy kid (which he is). She was interested in teaching the other children empathy with his sensitive hearing, which I thought was a nice approach.

I asked him on the way home what he did at school and was pleasantly surprised when he answered, "Made a rabbit." He doesn't usually answer "what did you do today?" questions so I was thrilled that he was talking about his day. However, the craft I pulled out of his backpack was an igloo (this is letter I week). I suppose the cotton balls on the styrofoam plate could have been construed as "bunnyish" . . . .

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