April 7, 2012

Absence seizures

At a doctor visit, I asked the doctor about something I've noticed lately with Buddy. Every so often, sometimes several times during a day, he'll space out for a few seconds--he stares blankly and I can't get his attention. And then, after the few seconds pass, he's back to normal, as if nothing happened. So, I asked the doctor if he thought Buddy may be having absence seizures. And the doctor said the only way to tell was to have an EEG done, so he referred us to the neurology clinic at our local children's hospital.

(Funny story: While at the doctor's office, a tall, slightly rotund man with frizzy red hair and facial hair was checking in behind us. Buddy pointed to the guy and said, "Mr. Noodle!" Since my back was to the guy, I said, "What? No . . . [turning around and seeing the guy], ohhhhhhh, Mr. Noodle. Shhhhh!" And then I laughed to myself, with my back to the guy. He really did look kind of like Mr. Noodle.)

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