April 12, 2012


Last month, we went to our pediatrician to get a referral to the neurology clinic at the children's hospital for an EEG because I suspect Kieran may be having absence seizures. (Wow, that sentence has a lot of prepositions.)

Today was that EEG. I've been talking to Kieran about what would happen, hoping to prepare him so that he wouldn't freak out when the technicians started putting the electrodes on his head.

"We're going to the doctor in a few days and they'll put some things in your hair. But it won't hurt. It will be fun! And you'll get to watch videos with daddy! It will be fun!"

He seemed to believe me. When we got to the hospital, he told everyone who would listen, "It doesn't hurt."

And then, when we got to the neurology area, he told the lady, "It doesn't hurt." And she said, "You're right! It doesn't hurt! We'll just put little stickers on your head." Which I thought was a great way to put it, so I started telling him, "Ooh stickers! It will be fun to have stickers on your head! Stickers don't hurt! Yay for stickers on your head!"

And then we got to the EEG room. And the lady explained what they would do. And then, as soon as they laid him on the table so they could start stickering him up, he began cry uncontrollably. Before they started touching him.

And he continued to cry throughout the stickering process. But once Seth was able to hold him and he was able to watch Elmo's Potty Time on the TV, he calmed down for the most part, with a few occasional bursts of crying just to remind us that he didn't like having to do this.
And we all made it through the dreaded EEG.
We kept him up two hours past his bedtime last night and got him up earlier this morning so that he would be tired for the EEG (I don't think it worked), so he was pretty tuckered out on the way home.
We'll find out the results in a few weeks.

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