March 1, 2012

The piano

During my early and formative years, I took piano lessons. For whatever reason, out of all the songs we learned to play, the main one that sticks out in my memory is my sister's version of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

I can't say that I ever became really proficient at playing the piano, although I took lessons in college and accompanied the songtime at our church. Even so, when I moved away from my parents after college, I missed having a piano to tinker around on. Owning a piano has been on my wishlist ever since--one of those "some day . . . " dreams.

With Buddy's diagnosis and the knowledge that he may have musical abilities which would need to be nourished and encouraged, my desire to own a piano has intensified. In one study I read, those with WS indeed has musical abilities, but those who took lessons and trained in the art were actually proficient at it.

Thanks to the 30% tax credit on the geo-thermal system and to overpaying on my quarterly freelance taxes last year, our tax refund was quite sizable this year. Although we're putting most of it in savings, I cajoled Husband into thinking about spending some of it on a few luxury items.

I'd heard about a piano store closing on the other side of the city, and we took a drive over there on Saturday to see what they were offering. While I walked into the piano store thinking I might purchase a cheap upright piano, I walked out with (what I hope is) a good deal on this better-for-us digital piano (no tuning required!).

And today, dodging the raindrops, I brought the piano in from the car and set it up. Both Buddy and I have tried it out. He still has a long way to go to reach the "proficient" (or at least the "playing an actual song rather than just banging on the keys") stage.

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