March 5, 2012

Did God create Williams syndrome?

A fellow mom of a child with WS recently posed this question in a blog post: Did God Create Williams Syndrome? I've been pondering my answer over the past weeks and tonight I take keyboard in hand to pen (or type) my response.

In a general sense, this question reflects the age-old question: Is God the author of pain and suffering?

From a careful study of Genesis, we know that God's original creation was "very good"--a reflection of His good nature, full of life and joy. He designed the universe so that everything would work together for His glory. As He created Adam in His image from the dust of the ground, He gave the first man (and a short while later, the first woman) a "very good" combination of DNA. He encouraged them to be fruitful and multiply. And, had things stayed the way they were in the beginning, that "very good" genetic combination would have continued combining in "very good" ways as Adam and Eve brought forth children.

Of course, we know that things did not stay the way they were in the beginning, and we have rebellious Adam (and the rest of us rebellious creatures) to thank for it. After Adam disobeyed God's command concerning that one particular fruit, God placed a curse on His beloved creation--the decreed punishment for the committment of high treason against the Creator of the universe. Particular aspects of the curse are spelled out in Genesis 3. The culmination of the Curse is separation from God forever through death. As accompaniments to death, we have its bedfellows pain, suffering, disease, and genetic disorders. (Of course, we're not without hope!)

Generally speaking, Williams Syndrome (along with all the various other genetic disorders) isn't God's fault. Genetic mutations (including spontaneous deletions on part of the seventh chromosome) are a now-natural result of no longer living in a "very good" world. So, did God create Williams Syndrome in this sense? No -- we, sinners in the hands of a holy God, did.

However, there's a more specific sense that I need to address, as well.

The Bible clearly teaches that God is the author of life--He forms each one of us and knits us together in utero. The Bible also clearly teaches He is sovereign over His creation--He is the one who is in control--not a laissez-faire deity that wound up his creation and now lets it go as it pleases. I believe that just as He is in control of the intricate workings of the universe, He is also in control of the intricate workings of conception. As such, I can't escape the thought that we are who we are -- genetic mutations and all -- as the result of God's handiwork. In this more individualized sense, God gave Kieran (and each one of us) a specific genetic combination, which, in Kieran's case, included a deletion of part of one of his chromosomes. (Let me add this caveat--I understand that our actions have consequences and, in some cases, the actions of parents before the conception/birth of their child can have dire consequences on the baby. However, even in these cases, God is still the ultimate author of that life.)

Does this make God an ogre or less than completely good? Not at all. Because His very nature is good, whatever He does is good. Whatever He does is good. And I believe that He does everything for a reason: to bring glory to Himself.

In answering His disciples' question about the reason a man was born blind, Jesus said: "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." (John 9:3)

To relate this specifically to Buddy and Williams Syndrome, I believe that he (and each of us) is part of God's plan to bring Himself glory in some way--genetic mutations and all.

There's much more that I could say on these topics, and I know that better minds than mine have wrestled with such topics and come to varying conclusions. I don't want to pretend to have all the answers and so I invite your comments, good, bad, or ugly.

(Note: An updated version of this can be found here.)

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