February 23, 2012

Dietary fun

At our last visit to the geneticist, he gave us a paper listing things to do and not to do for WS. Several of the items dealt with the Vitamin D situation--people with WS tend to have an overabundance of Vitamin D in their system (which can lead to the hypercalcemia), so it's suggested that when outside, they're slathered with sunscreen, and that they aren't given a multi-vitamin supplement.

Because he won't have a multi-vitamin to fall back on in the future, I'm trying to establish good eating habits with him now. We've mainly been giving him whole (cooked) foods and little-to-no sugary things (people with WS also tend to develop diabetes). One of the foods that's supposed to have a lot of vitamins and minerals (but no Vitamin D) is avocados, which made up part of his lunch today. Thankfully, my uncle in California has graciously offered to send us all the avocados we can eat once his grove is established and producing.

I could probably learn a lesson or two from the way I'm making Kieran eat--potato chips dipped in ranch dressing aren't anywhere near his menu.

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