July 10, 2012


One of the characteristics of those with Williams syndrome is a tendency to perseverate on a topic. So I'm not sure if Buddy's current obsession with weedwackers is a byproduct of WS or if it's just him being a little boy with an avid interest in a certain item.
Whichever it is, weedwackers have become the thing he thinks about morning, noon, and night. For example, can you spot the weedwacker in the picture below?

He did. Immediately. As we were reading A is for Adam the other day, we came to this picture, and he said, "Look, a weedwacker." And we couldn't read any further because he needed to analyze the "weedwacker" Adam was holding. I didn't really have the heart to explain to him that what Adam used was not really the equivalent of the Husqvarna his daddy uses.

And, can you see the "weedwacker" in this picture?

He did. Actually, he vacillates between calling it a weedwacker and a vacuum. But weedwacker usually wins.

Weedwackers have also started showing up in the songs we sing. The other day, as Cubby and I were singing Old Macdonald had a ___, Buddy chimed in with weedwacker . . . with a zzzzzz here [he does a pretty good imitation of a weedwacker sound] and a zzzzzzz there. 

And weedwackers are also on the bus -- The weedwackers on the bus go zzzz, zzz, zzz.

I believe they were also in the Mother's Day song Husband tried to get him to sing on Sunday, Happy weedwacker to you, happy weedwacker to you, happy weedwacker, dear weedwacker, happy weedwacker to you.

As we were playing with Mat Man from Handwriting Without Tears, instead of making Mat Man, he wanted to make a weedwacker with the pieces.

And today, when I was listing the things I needed to get from the store, "Milk . . . bread . . .", he added, "Weedwacker."

The irony in all of this is that when he sees an actual weedwacker being used, he covers his ears and freaks out a bit. I guess it's more of a love-hate relationship.

So, what say you -- perseveration or just a boy being a boy?

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